Growing up with Panic

Chatting passionately about an upcoming semi-secret project, I met a designer describe what seemed like nothing more than a half-baked idea. Then came out his phone and a very polished prototype. Then he started talking about the imminent release of Coda 2.5, which I have been eagerly waiting for. It took me a moment, because I imagined the avatar from his website, and he did not look like a cartoon in person, so I asked, “Wait, are you Cabel from Panic?”

I met a bunch of people I follow online at the WWDC Designer Meetup but Cabel struck me as being one of the few having the same personality offline as he does online. Linked above is his talk about Panic’s story. He’s as enthusiastic in person, and I left the meetup wanting to feel as energetic as he did. I asked if I could come by Panic HQ some time, he said “Sure! Just make sure you send me a tweet when you are in town.” I most certainly will, when I go to Portland.