Google AJAX Search API

I’ve finally got the Google AJAX Search API working as I always wanted it to. The problem I was facing was that Google wasn’t indexing my pages properly because I had submitted an incorrect sitemap using Google webmaster tools. I changed the sitemap recently but still saw that it had no effect on the quality of search results.

When I visited, I saw that it had indexed my blog perfectly. Every page was linked and ready for the world to see. It still isn’t clear as to why these results aren’t included in Google search and restricted to a Google sub-domain that is obviously not visited by everyone as frequently.

Anyway, I changed the search function from GwebSearch() to GblogSearch() and that did the trick। Awesome results.

I recommend that you clearing your cache if hitting the refresh button does not help you see the results I see. I am just feeling a whole lot happier than I did this morning giving the most boring English paper ever.

I Google, Therefore I Am!

Update - 1st January 07 : The search API is no longer in use and has been replaced by a much better and well integrated search method(still using AJAX).